6 thoughts on “A Motorcycle Dispute”

  1. Yah, except the comment about Dread Pirate Roberts has the wrong image… that is Inigo Montoya, and he is NOT the Dread Pirate Roberts.

    And, Rand, I am surprised with your reaction. Harleys do NOT completely suck. It depends on what mission you are trying to accomplish.

    Pick up biker chick? Harley.

    Pick up Bruno [Sacha Baron Cohen character]? Hypermotard. Because it sounds so swishy.

  2. Judging by some biker chicks I’ve seen, the pickup task might be better handled by a forklift.

  3. A commenter at UJ calls the Hypermoped — er, Hypermotard — “cute.”

    If I want to ride something cute I’ll saddle up a pony.

  4. MG, you are wrong about the Dread Pirate Roberts. At the end of the film Wesley picks Montoya to be the next Dread Pirate Roberts.


  5. For cruisers the Harley is a bloated over priced bike. You could have a Boulevard or similar Japanese cruiser for considerably less cash. Ducati is a great brand, but they need to change the name of that bike to something more respectable. But I gotta say that having driven my son’s Ninja that they are not only scary fast, but extremely agile too. The only thing I don’t like about them is that the seating position is hard on my old hips.

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