A defense of libertarianism by Governor Sanford. Nice to hear it coming from a Republican (one of the reasons I’m not a Republican is that Republicans tend to treat libertarians like the proverbial red-headed step child).
As Goldwater said, extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.
“extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”
Goldwater lost by 20 point margin, and his base looks like the
GOP of today. The Mormon Corridor and Dixie.
I suspect part of the antipathy towards libertarians is the presumed cost of elections that the Libertarian party has cost the Republicans over time.
And, of course, many Republicans are just as in favor of intrusive government as Democrats (just in a different direction), and so are antipathetic towards liberty.
The base that has elected more two-term presidents since then, than the Democrats have.
The infrequently quoted second half, “…and let me remind you also, that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
Just for the record here.