Just Arrived In Big Hollywood


Cold Humpcrack Creekwater: Two retarded gay cowgirl sisters (Rene Zellweger, Traci Lords) defy a fundamentalist sherriff (Chris Cooper) and discover love in this 1930’s period piece set in the Appalachian outback of Nebraskansaw.

Angel Soft This: In a shocking and sometimes humorous indictment of the toilet paper industry, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock documents the ravages he suffers after 30 straight days of non-stop butt-wiping.

Snow Fuji Mountain: Mothra (Toby Damon) and Gamera (Orlando Law) discover forbidden love while destroying Tokyo in this story of nuclear-triggered sexual awakening.

I would actually pay to see some of these.

3 thoughts on “Just Arrived In Big Hollywood”

  1. Mothra is actually portrayed as having female attributes, while Gamera seems to be male. So the love that is forbidden might emerge from its interspecies aspects. Thus, they might engage in Rishathra.

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