“Spread The Wealth Around”

It’s too bad that Senator Obama seems indifferent to actually creating wealth. This is the critical distinction between collectivists and classical liberals. The former think that it’s a fixed (or growing, but according to supernatural forces unaffectable by human intervention) pie to be justly distributed, whereas the latter think that it’s something to be created by maximizing freedom and minimizing how much of it is confiscated by those who want to “spread it around.”

And don’t expect many in the MSM to criticize him for it.

9 thoughts on ““Spread The Wealth Around””

  1. Well what do you think about indirectly routing public funds to build your own house? Is that making wealth?

    Remember that Sports Complex that Sarah Plain had built which put the city of Wasilla $3000.00 in debt per Wasilla resident? Looks like the same contractors built the Palin’s their lovely house for free.


    Heck, that’s one way to create wealth.

    Rand, you still want this woman as the first woman President? If you’ve changed your mind, please let us know.

    Meanwhile McCain’s nightmare date continues.

  2. Rand, you still want this woman as the first woman President?

    Yes, much more than Obama. There are no perfect candidates. There is little likelihood of a classical liberal getting a great presidential candidate. At least she doesn’t think that “spreading the wealth around” is good.

    What I really want is for cowardly a**hole commenters to not post anonymously.

    But I’m not going to get that, either, unless I simply forbid it. Perhaps I should. They have certainly abused the privilege here over the years.

  3. So that’s today’s smear? Yesterday it was bogus school grades. You idiots smearing Sarah have done the impossible regarding your credibility, it’s now recorded in negative (or is it imaginary?) numbers.

  4. Well, Rand, he (Obama) is a lawyer, a Senator, and a teacher. None of these people creates wealth, and all are far more obsessed with its distribution. After all, if there were no wealth to distribute at all, what would Congress do? They could just show up to pass the DoD budget, fling some money towards NSF, NIH, NASA, NOAA et al., and be home in time for Easter. Which…uh…might not be a bad idea.

    Anyway, the fault lies with the people who benefit from the creation of wealth — customers enjoying lower prices, workers enjoying high-paying jobs — who are, nevertheless, going to vote into office a guy who promises to make their products (e.g. gasoline) more expensive, their salaries lower, and their chances of getting a better and higher-paying job with a new and more profitable company lower.

    That is, let us not blame the gun seller for the guy who buys one to shoot himself in the head.

    As for Mr. Anonymous: dude, you unimaginative robot-heads are unbelievably obsessed with process — with style over substance. If I lived in Wasilla, and I voted for the new taxes to build the new rec center (as a majority did), and it was a great rec center built under budget and on time, an excellent use of my tax money, then I’d vote for the Mayor who brought me all that getting her house built for free. Good work should be highly rewarded. Results are what count, not some theoretically ideal process.

    You’re one of those dumfuk protocol-crazed obsessive-compulsive loonies, aren’t you, like the second officer on the Titanic who, supposedly, let several lifeboats launch half full because he’d been told women and children first, and the only passengers standing around him were men. Gee duh, the rule says those seats are for women an’ children, so y’all just have to die.

    Is it just that you’re so hip and savvy with computers that you’ve replaced good judgment with moronic obsessive computer-like rule-creation and rule-following? Can you and your clone army (or at least your mouths) be replaced by eight-line Perl scripts? God help you if you get in a (real) shooting war, or have to cope with a real massive environmental crisis, not some Gore-fantasy polar bears are dying faux “crisis” to be solved with Polar Bear Aid rock concerts and only buying bong pipes made of recycled plastic. In a case where judgment and imagination are all that will save you, and obsession over process will kill you, you’ll be dog meat. You’re the sad coddled product of a childhood (courtesy of Reagan and two Bushes) that has lacked for any serious challenge or want, a genuine narcissist loser airhead of whom our American forefathers would be ashamed.

    See, Rand, I think you should let the anonymous dickheads continue. Fish + barrel = fun.

  5. This is the critical distinction between collectivists and classical liberals. The former think that it’s a fixed (or growing, but according to supernatural forces unaffectable by human intervention) pie to be justly distributed, whereas the latter think that it’s something to be created by maximizing freedom and minimizing how much of it is confiscated by those who want to “spread it around.”

    Waaay back when Jerry Brown was first running for governor of California, there was a joke going around:

    Jerry Brown thinks it’s fundamentally unfair that some drive expensive cars while other people have to hitchhike. When Brown is governor, he’ll make sure that everyone hitchhikes.

  6. Obama has even been running a lot of ads on TV here in Texas. Mostly seem to be focused on the economy and taxes. I’ve seen the one that says your taxes won’t go up if you make under 250,000 quite a bit. When I first see that I think of it as an advertisement to anyone making just over 250,000 to start letting go of assets and investments to get under 250,000. Then, just found out the other day that in reality you will only see your taxes stay about the same if you qualify for the various exemptions.

    I can’t believe we are about to elect this idiot. Right when Europe is starting to figure out that tax cuts and low taxes generate wealth. I guess we are just going to reinforce those lessons for them.

  7. Posted by Rand:
    And don’t expect many in the MSM to criticize him for it.

    Criticize it??? Rand, are you kidding? The MSM will absolutely LOVE this idea. Redistribution along social needs (of course, defined by the MSM) is something they have been drooling over for years. Of course they won’t criticize him, they’ll simply try to find witty ways to out-do their counterparts and come up with differenty prose to promote it.

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