7 thoughts on “A Prediction From Ramesh Ponnuru”

  1. His prediction left out the Dem’s biggest hammer – any comment that is anti-Obama is by definition RACIST!


    You mis-spelled his name. It’s PonnUru.

  2. This has the potential for being the greatest Election Day implosion in history.

    I can’t imagine once the donks pull the Yer A Racist switch, they’ll restrain themselves. It will be a race to the sensitivity training seminar bottom to see who can be the most exquisitely sensitive about some perceived slur or slight.

    And by and large people don’t complain out loud about these things, they nod their heads and say oh yes such a shame.

    Until…they get into the privacy of the voting booth, where no one can tell which switch you pull, and you can finally let loose with your real reaction to all those prissy shits telling you you’re a bad person for even thinking various doubts.

    Imagine the Bradley Effect on steroids. A final poll showing Obama up 10%, and then in actual returns the Messiah losing by 10% or more. Wow! Would that generate hysterical accusations of voting fraud or what? Brrr.

  3. Can’t you morons just be happy that the Clintons, Simbergs arch-enemies for many years, before he recently fell in love with HER (based on her slimy tactics to win the nomination) are hopefully in the past? How about some effing gratitude for what Obama has done for YOU?

    Imagine also what it will feel like when McCain wins, and grinning from ear to ear implements all the Democrat policies, slapping conservatism around. Imagine taking that in your face as Republicans. Heh. You guys really are idiots, you should be cheering Obama on it’s true. The end of the GOP is coming with McCain. I’m cheering both Obama and McCain, but think the latter winning will make it more enjoyable to visit this blog. You know that is going to be such fun if he wins.

  4. Can’t you morons just be happy that the Clintons, Simbergs arch-enemies for many years, before he recently fell in love with HER (based on her slimy tactics to win the nomination) are hopefully in the past?

    I fell in love with Hillary? Who knew?

    Yet another anonymous moron heard from.

  5. Happy that Obama has displaced Clinton?

    Is that like being happy about being in the fire instead of the frying pan?

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