6 thoughts on “That Didn’t Take Long”

  1. That’s impossible because I read right here on this blog that global warming is a socialist conspiracy by commie scientists out for total world domination.

    I heard it on Rush too.

  2. Murkan Boob said:

    That’s impossible because I read right here on this blog that global warming is a socialist conspiracy by commie scientists out for total world domination.

    If a group of individuals claim that global warming would cause a catastrophe and then let China off the hook while blaming the U.S., I’m going to be quite suspicious.

  3. Murkans think America can set Chinese policy, when murka can’t even set the policy of goatherders living in the mountains on the other side of the planet.

    The best that Murka can do is show the others how it’s done. Thus, the problems of Murka will remain, because Murka no longer knows how to do anything in the modern world anymore, and is afraid of the truth of reality.

    Murka is very afraid :

    FDR: Oh, I’m sorry, was wiping out our entire Pacific fleet supposed to intimidate us? We have nothing to fear but fear itself, and right now we’re coming to kick your ass with brand new destroyers riveted by
    waitresses. How’s that going to feel?

    CHURCHILL: Yeah, you keep bombing us. We’ll be in the pub, flipping you off. I’m slapping Rolls-Royce engines into untested flying coffins to knock you out of the skies, and then I’m sending angry Welshmen to burn your country from the Rhine to the Polish border.

    REPUBLICANS: BE AFRAID!! Oh God, the Brown Bad people could strike any moment! They could strike … NOW!! AHHHH. Okay, how about .. NOW!! AAGAGAHAHAHHAG! Quick, do whatever we tell you, and believe whatever we tell you, or YOU WILL KILLED BY BROWN PEOPLE!!


    Until you get over your fear of all things real, you’re going nowhere except into a future of abject and very real insolvency.


  4. Until you get over your fear of all things real, you’re going nowhere except into a future of abject and very real insolvency.

    What’s real? The left fearing everything not shared? Just because you never took the risk to start a company and become successful and solvent doesn’t mean that those who do have to carry your sorry ass with them because its fair. The economy is cyclic, as it always has been. As the Lileks article above shows, we have so many freedoms and things we can do, you lefties have suddenly decided to take them all for granted instead of remembering the pain and suffering our nation has incurred to get where it is. You are correct though that everyone on earth should share….in these freedoms, but its not that easy is it, because the people in power in these other countries don’t want their people to have freedoms that you enjoy. You’ll never understand how good you have it, even the freedom to complain is given to you and you complain about that too.

  5. I am so sorry I left Bob but circumstance compelled me. The results of my departure are self-apparnet and quite sad.

    I hate that my departure leaves him a total brainless drooling retard but I could not stand the arrogant, lying sonoavbitch one more minute.

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