Iain Murray doesn’t think much of the energy bill:
It will raise energy prices, raise food prices, increase hunger, worsen appliance performance, make the roads more dangerous and bring back Carter-era gas lines and shortages just when we need them the least – after disasters. It’s a horrendous concoction of every bad energy idea imaginable and will impact every family trying to make ends meet around the country. It’s unbelievably stupid in its rehashing of failed ideas and do-it-yourself economics. It needs to go down in flames, and soon.
[Update about 2:30 eastern]
There’s a request in comments for a link to the bill itself. I’m guessing that it’s this one (thank Newt Gingrich for Thomas).
Also, the editors of National Review are pretty unimpressed as well.
[Late afternoon update]
Thomas links seem to have a finite (and short) lifetime. Just go to Thomas, and search for S.1115.