Andy McCarthy writes about Democrat hypocrisy in the Foley matter:
Oddly, under circumstances where Foley is now gone because he could not last 30 seconds as an elected Republican once his conduct was revealed, we are now observing a frenzied call for Hastert’s head for not doing enough to investigate behavior that actually pales in comparison to Clinton’s. That frenzy, without a hint of irony or embarrassment, is being stoked by some of the very same people who affirmatively minimized conduct that was orders of magnitude worse than Foley’s in order to close ranks around a much more consequential public official who, far from being gone in 30 seconds, was enabled by this support to cling to office for years, finish his term, and remain the Democratic Party’s top star.
And as Dennis Wingo notes in comments, the irony abounds:
The Democrats say the Republicans should have done all the things Democrats won’t let us do to al-Qaida