So When Do We Get To See Them?

According to this story (which points out that John Kerry is not the brilliant student that his mythology implies–his grades were actually slightly worse than Dubya’s), Kerry has released his military records to the Boston Globe, which reports:

The military and medical records, however, appear identical to what Kerry has already released.

There’s a follow-up more specifically on it here:

The records, which the Navy Personnel Command provided to the Globe, are mostly a duplication of what Kerry released during his 2004 campaign for president, including numerous commendations from commanding officers who later criticized Kerry’s Vietnam service.

misquoting an expert to do so. Note also that the second piece is by Michael Kranish, one of those “unbiased” Globe reporters who had close ties to the Kerry campaign.

We of course don’t know if these are the complete records, or another selective release, as the first one was (though the article states that they were provided by the Navy). Pardon me if I’d prefer to make the judgement myself, or at least have a few other bloggers, like Powerline, etc., check them out, before I’ll give him a clean bill of health. What, for example, do they say about his discharge status? How do the rest of us get a document dump from the Navy?

[Update a couple minutes later]

Michelle Malkin has more, with other links.