
Charlie Gibson is surprised to hear that Iraqis (you know, the folks that the so-called “insurgents” have been murdering by the droves?) are not Zarquawi fans.

On Wednesday’s World News Tonight, after Brian Ross noted that “some Arabs” on a “popular Web site said they hoped the news was true” about the serious injury to terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, with messages such as, “Let this criminal Zarqawi go to Hell,” Gibson turned to reporter Nick Watt in Baghdad and expressed shock, “I’m surprised by something in Brian’s piece: The vehemence of the comments on Arab Web sites in opposition to Zarqawi, because we keep hearing that he has considerable support.” Watt confirmed that “many” Iraqis “will be very glad if he does die.”

There are some things so stupid that only a liberal television commentator can believe them.