Legislative Emergency

From Jeff Greason at XCOR:

As of 1:19 Pacific time, the compromise version of the commercial human spaceflight bill is expected to come to a vote in the House today under a new bill number, HR 5382. The compromise in this bill allows passenger safety regulation by AST — but only after a significant safety problem has been revealed in flight. The bill is currently opposed by a Representative who wants the FAA to have unlimited authority to regulate passenger safety. We encourage timely support for this bill. Text is available at:


[Update at 5:25 PM EST]

Michael Mealing helpfully points out in comments that:

Oberstar’s number is (202) 225-6211
DeFazio’s number is (202) 225-6416

(these are the congressmen dragging their heels)

And here’s an email from Jim Muncy:

Friday, November 19, 2004

Dear Space Advocates & Correspondents:

This afternoon the House of Representatives had a 40 minute debate on legislation designed to advance the U.S. commercial human spaceflight industry. It was a good and spirited debate, with bipartisan supporters speaking in favor, and two partisan Democrats speaking against HR5382.

Unfortunately, the opponents