A Cry For Help From Computer Types

The help would be from the computer types, the cry for it is from me.

One of the reasons I haven’t been posting much is because I’m taking care of some things that have been neglected for a while, one of which is putting a floppy back into my server that hasn’t had one for a while.

I’ve got two drives and two cables to play with. The connectors are keyed and will only go on one way (presumably, the right one, and it’s consistent with the IDE cables in terms of pin one).

I cannot get the light to go off on the drive. It comes on when powered up, and I get a floppy failure at POST. I know that this is usually a symptom of reversed cables, but there’s no way to get it wrong. I’ve tried it with both drives and both cables, and both connectors on both cables, with always the same result. The only common factor is the MB. Would a FD controller problem display this symptom? I hate to replace a MB without knowing for sure, but I can’t imagine where else the problem could be.