LA Blogfest And Aloha

I had a great time up in Hollywood last night. I met Martin Devon, Moxie, Brian Linse, and Ann Salisbury, and talked to Emmanuelle Richard, Eugene Volokh, Mickey Kaus, Ken Layne, Laura Crane, and (too briefly) Matt Welch sans the now-immortal-in-more-ways-than-one cowboy hat (as always). And thanks to Matt for the mention of my site in his devastating critique of the latest lame LA Times attempt to be relevant. Brian Doherty and Sara Rimensnyder of Reason were there, too. As usual anyone who didn’t have a good time, probably didn’t deserve to.

Patricia is trying on her new wet suit and fins, and getting everything packed. We’ve rented a house on Maui for the next nine days, and will be leaving in the morning. There were too many odds and ends today to post much, but look for my column on Fox this weekend (it’s a repeat of the Buzz assault hoax) and I might check in from Hawaii, but don’t bet on it. Back a week from Monday.

[Update at 6:30 PM PDT]

The Fox column is up now.