It Must Be The J E W S

Billy McKinney is losing his election by a margin of two to one.

But sadly, Janet “Shake’n’Bake” Reno is losing to McBride. He’s got about half the vote so far.

[Update at 9:40 PM]

Well, both lost. It wasn’t clear if Ms. Reno was “shaken” by the news…

While I would have liked to see her win, because it would have been an entertaining campaign that she wouldn’t have had a snowball’s chance in Hades of winning, it is nice to see another Clinton crony repudiated at the polls. When Elian is older, he’ll be gratified to see this. I just hope that he lives in a Cuba in which it’s possible to learn about things like this.

[Update, after the Reno loss]

It’s deja vu all over again.

Now she’s going to challenge the election, due to problems with the voting machines.

Like I said, you couldn’t make it up…