One Man’s “Human Rights” Is Another Man’s Terrorism

It’s hard to work up much more anger at Reuters, these days, but this might do it. It’s the caption to a picure of the WTC-less work site in downtown Manhattan. Note the scare quotes on “war on terror”:

Recovery and debris removal work continues at the site of the World Trade Center known as “ground zero” in New York, March 25, 2002. Human rights around the world have been a casualty of the U.S. “war on terror” since September 11.

Yes, right. That should always be the lead of any story about the horrendous attack on American soil almost a year ago. That human rights around the world are deteriorating as a result of our response to it.

You know, like the right to slash a flight attendant’s throat, and fly her airplane into the side of a skyscraper. Or the right to strap high explosives to your midriff and scatter Jewish baby parts all over with it. Our fundamental rights are under attack.

Let’s see if the blogosphere has any power. Maybe if we generate enough outrage, they’ll reconsider it, and change it.

[Thanks to “JMiller” via email]