Politicized Home Defense

Paul Sperry has a pretty ugly indictment of the Clinton Administration’s war on terrorism. As we’ve seen in stories continuing to come out about the OKC bombing, they directed the FBI (and other agencies) to focus on homegrown terrorism (you know, the evil right wingers) and to basically ignore anything from overseas.

No wonder they didn’t want to allow all the evidence to come out in McVeigh’s trial. It would have made it harder to hew to their political agenda.

The Clinton-era emphasis on “right-wing” terrorism wasn’t limited to the FBI. Other federal law enforcement branches also focused on the domestic threat from militia groups over the foreign threat from Islamic groups.

The head of security at the Commerce Department, for one, sanitized a Y2K counterterrorism report distributed to the Census Bureau by removing Islamic threats. Only threats from white “right-wing” groups were included in the report, Commerce security officials told WorldNetDaily.