The plot thickens.
Here’s an image of the petition filed by the executor of the will. Note that it says that the daughter who wants to thaw and burn Mr. Williams was estranged and cut out of the will. So if, as this story indicates, the family is in negotiation, just what’s being negotiated? Is she perhaps extorting the other two siblings for a cut of the estate in exchange for allowing him to remain in cryostasis?
[Update at 7 AM PDT]
Natalie Solent has weighed in on the frozen soul issue as well (as is apparently the rule with blogspot these days, the permalink doesn’t work, so just go to her site). She basically agrees with me.
Rand Simberg’s picture of there being a storage facility for the “pending” souls is amusingly literal, but has the right idea. Don’t worry. God won’t be caught napping.