No Conservatives Need Apply

A reader tipped me off to this latest bit of insanity from Bezerkely.

The English R1A reading and comprehension course, titled “The Politics and Poetics of Palestinian Resistance,” states in its course description that “conservative thinkers are encouraged to seek other sections”?a violation of the university’s Faculty Code of Conduct.

According to the course description, the class “takes as its starting point the right of Palestinians to fight for their own self-determination.”

I have some suggestions to further flesh out the curriculum.

English R1A, titled “The Politics and Poetics of White Aryan Resistance.”

This class takes as its starting point the right of white people in America to fight for their own self-determination. Liberal thinkers are encouraged to seek other sections. Instructor: David Duke

English R1A, titled “The Politics and Poetics of Native American Resistance.”

This class takes as its starting point the right of the aboriginal peoples in America to fight for their own self-determination. Cowboy thinkers, and Custer and John Wayne apologists are encouraged to seek other sections. Instructer: Russell Means

English R1A, titled “The Politics and Poetics of Feminine Resistance.”

This class takes as its starting point the right of the non-conservative women in America to fight for their own self-determination. Misogynists, male chauvinist pigs, and rapists (i.e., all heterosexual men) are encouraged to seek other sections. Instructer: Catherine McKinnon

I’ve got a comments section–feel free to come up with your own.

[Saturday morning update]

The Angry Clam blog at Berkely is all over this story.