HTML Primer

As a public service announcement, and not to pick on the Insolvent Republic of Blogistan, but I just happened to notice it here as the latest inadvertent offender. Strict HTML requires that tags like <i> be opened and closed on each paragraph. If you don’t, HTML-compliant browsers like Opera will display only the paragraph that has the tag in it as that font–the rest of the grafs will revert to standard text, even though the tag wasn’t closed on the first graf.

This problem doesn’t show up in Explorer, because it’s either more forgiving, if you want to consider it a Microsoft feature, or non-HTML compliant, if you want to consider it a bug.

Anyway, as an Opera user, I often find it hard to tell excerpted text from the blogger’s because the italics or whatever disappear after the first paragraph. Please fix this, if possible. I’ll give Mr. Slotman a break, because I can understand the the tag supply may be limited in an insolvent republic…

Now back to your regularly-scheduled blogging, and be careful out there…