Out Of Time

Restock the bomb shelter, put your head between your legs, and kiss your keester goodbye, because the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists is about to set the DOOMSDAY clock forward.

Bulletin spokesman Steve Koppes would not say Tuesday if the clock was to be set closer to midnight, which symbolizes a greater threat of a nuclear disaster.

Anyone want to make book on which direction it will go?

Of course, I would argue that, since we’re now actually doing something about the problem, they should move the hand back at least a few minutes. Though, if truth be told, I think that it should be set back to 1947–the notion of “doomsday” being imminent was silly, even when we and the Soviets were bristling with nukes. Makes for good propaganda, though.

The board started meeting in November to consider the issue, Koppes said. But it did not reach a decision until recently “because of the uncertain nature of what is going on in the world,” he said.

Oh, I guess that somehow things have become more certain as of February 27? This is getting to be a sad joke.