An actual pan of LOTR appears at Ross Anthony’s (whoever he is) web site.
It’s definitely an epic undertaking, long with intermittent brazen fight scenes, sort of an “Apocalypse Now Junior.” Unfortunately, and unlike Scorsese’s masterpiece, the most profound thing about LOTR is its length. I had to use the restroom at the two-hour mark, and frankly enjoyed the break. Nor does LOTR deliver a payoff to its patient audiences.
Apparently he has a short attention span, or a weak bladder or both. Of course, his credibility is not enhanced by the fact that it was not Scorcese, but Francis Ford Coppola who directed “Apocalypse Now.”
I still want to see it.
Somebody apparently fed him a clue–he’s since done a s/Scorsese’s/Coppola’s/ at the site…